All information and content on this website is provided by NSN Law Firm exclusively for informational purposes only, in accordance with the applicable legislation and professional rules.

Accessing this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between NSN Law Firm and the website visitor.

The information and content provided on this website is not intended to serve as advertising and is not for any commercial purposes and furthermore should not be considered as legal advice or legal opinion for any purpose.

NSN Law Firm will not be responsible for any action or damages arising from the misuse of the information provided herein as legal advice or legal opinion.

Potential clients are advised to contact an attorney prior to taking any legal action and one of our partners in order to establish a client-attorney relationship with NSN Law Firm. Furthermore, NSN Law Firm does not accept any responsibility for the content on any website accessed through the links on this website or for the information contained in those websites.

The intellectual property rights to all information, designs, and logos on this website are the sole property of NSN Law Firm and may not be copied, reproduced, or used in any way without the express written permission of NSN Law Firm.

This website may be updated periodically. Even if updates are made, NSN Law Firm does not make any commitment that the information and content on the site are correct and up-to-date.

Furthermore, the information and content on the website is not to be used for either advertising or business development purposes.