Article 20 of the Turkish Environmental Code numbered 2872 stipulates administrative fines for the vessels causing environmental pollution in Turkish territorial waters through discharging oil or petroleum products, dirty ballast, solid waste or domestic sewage. Amount of fines are revised every year. Increased fines, which shall be applicable as of 1 January 2022, are shown in below tariff.

2022 Tariff

For the tankers discharging petrol and petroleum products:

For the tankers discharging dirty ballast:

For the vessels and other sea vehicles discharging petroleum products or dirty ballast:

For the tankers, vessels and other sea vehicles discharging solid waste or domestic sewage:

In relation to application of above said fines, please note some significant matters as follows;

In case of discharging hazardous materials, ten times higher fines than for petrol or petroleum products shall be applied.

In case of the liable party is an institution, organization or a management, three times higher fines shall be applied.

If the vessel is able to remove the pollution by her own means, 1/3 of the fine shall be applied.
If the amount of fine is paid within 30 days, ¾ of same shall be collected.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries.